Дослідження бізнес-потенціалу Західноукраїнських регіонів

Тип робіт: Маркетингові дослідження
Сектор: Інші галузі
Рік: 2018

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  • Зміст
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The purpose of the study is a deep research of economic attractiveness and investment potential of 7 Western regions of Ukraine in order to inform Dutch and other foreign companies about sector-specific business opportunities in Western Ukraine, to identify areas for further cooperation between Ukrainian and Dutch companies and therewith to contribute to the private sector development of the regions.
Sectors under investigation:
– agro-food and horticulture (production and processing of milk; production of greenhousevegetables; production and processing of open field vegetables, fruit, berries, mushrooms;production and processing of potato),
– industry (light industry, furniture production, chemical industry, production of plastic andrubber items, production of construction materials, metal works, machine building)
– bioenergy (current and planned projects in bioenergy),
– production of machinery, equipment, materials for abovementioned agro-food andhorticulture sectors (real and working sites), namely agricultural machinery, seeds andboilers, fertilizers, pesticides, refrigeration equipment, milking complexes, press machinesfor making juices).
This study includes the interviews with the governmental representatives of the selectedregions, businesses and NGO’s operating in the selected sectors. They may reflect thesubjective opinions on economic, political situation in Ukraine as of 2018 and mightcontradict with other expert opinions.
Sectors under analysis in Western Ukrainian regions includes 15 030 companies employing191,829 full-time employees. Sectors’ sales volume in 2016 amounted to UAH 73.8 billion,which was mainly generated by Lviv region (UAH 21.9 billion), Rivne region (UAH 13.0billion) and Zakarpattia region (UAH 9.9 billion).
In terms of sales value, the largest sectors are machine building (UAH 19.5 billion or 26%),construction materials (UAH 13.4 billion or 18%), manufacture of chemicals and chemicalproducts (UAH 7.9 billion or 11%) and textile, clothing and footwear industry (UAH 7.0billion or 9%). Together, these sectors accounted for almost 65% of sales.
The sectors under study face some important challenges. Interviewed companies stressed thefollowing key obstacles to growth: shortage of workers (43%), lack of government support(38%), inaccessibility of funding (37%), and outdated technology and equipment (24%).

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